Installation and Workshop, 2009 IFAN Museum, Maison de la culture Douta Seck, Dakar, Senegal
solar panel, bird sound generater, Newspaper, tape, marker, water tube which i founded in the garden.< Solar Panel, fogel stimme Generator, Zeitungspapier, Klebeband, Marker, Abwasserrohr von der Garten. ソーラーパネル、鳥の声発生器、新聞紙、粘着テープ、パーマネントマーカー、庭園内に捨ててあった水道管 By the exhibition of IFAN MUSEUM, Making of the work i kept thinking about distance between Senegal and Japan particulary in mind. When the Sun rose in the morning, the bird which I made with solar panel began to sing and stopped when the Sun goes down. For contrast, the plane work I drew on the newspaper pictured Crossroad of Awaza in Osaka,at midnight, the time when there was not pedestrian traffic at all. At the workshop in Maison de la culture Douta Seck, I made a drum with the thing which was there already. We pictured a design on a drum together with the citizen who wants to participate and some exhibition participant. Later, we took the communication by playing the Drum together. IFAN MUSEUMの展示では、特に日本とセネガルとの距離を考えた作品作りを心がけた。ソーラーパネルで作った鳥は、朝、日が昇るとさえずりだし、日が落ちると鳴くのを止めた。対照的に平面作品は新聞紙に描いた大阪の阿波座の交差点で夜中、人通りの全くない時間帯を描いた。 Maison de la culture Douta Seckでのワークショップでは会場にあった物で太鼓を作り、展覧会参加者、ワークショップに参加したいという市民と太鼓に模様を描き、一緒に叩くことでコミュニケーションを取った。